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Learning French? Wine, Wine, Wine!

Learn French Online Live!

Learn French the French Way!


‘We just wanted to say,

With love in the air

On St. Valentine’s Day . . .’


We have launched our Learn French Online for those passionate about all things ‘French’.

As our learn English online and learn Business English online courses have been hugely successful, reaching and teaching in China, Japan, United Arab Emirates, Europe and, of course, the UK, we decided to do the same with learn French in response to your requests.

You know how strongly we feel about the importance of communicating confidently in your chosen language.  As professional language trainers and applied linguists, we know the challenges in learning English, learning French or any other language. 

Many language learners decide to learn French or learn English later in life, often due to external forces – the need to speak French or learn English for their job, or moving to the target language’s country for economic reasons.  But, languages are live communicative skills, similar to learning music, which need to be kept alive with regular practice.  Learning languages are also special as they require the learner to learn four skills – speaking, listening, writing and reading.  So, you’re learning four ‘live’ subjects which demand practice.  This is why it’s hard to mug up on a language – it’s simple, either you have the strength through practice or you don’t. 

But, you’ll be happy to learn that we’re realistic – late learners wanting to learn languages, limited time to practice, undeveloped ‘ear’ for language sounds and inflexible speech muscles to make language sounds.  It’s for these reasons that we designed and developed our unique online language learning programmes.  We’ve cut cost, travel time and factors affecting late language learners learning French, or learning English, which wholly focus on building and strengthening the four skills speedily for confident communication. 

Our Learn French online, as with our Learn English online, courses may be taken in 30 minute lessons.  So, if you want to have a quick brush-up with your French or English trainer face-to-face before that important French meeting or English job interview, just book the time!

And for those of you who just can’t get enough of learning French (it must be the French wine!) and want to go the whole hog, then we offer French cross-cultural training to make your move to France and French cultural immersion as effortless as drinking St. Émilion!

Isn’t it time to turn the page to a new way of learning French – whilst love’s still in the air?

Happy Valentine’s Day!



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