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Elocution for Kids and Parents Half-Day Workshop


Elocution for Kids and Parents Half-Day Workshop – It’s our second!

We know how important it is to give your child elocution lessons.  We also know that elocution lessons for kids may be expensive.

We don’t like to see any child excluded from elocution lessons because of high tuition fees.

So, as elocution teachers we put our thinking caps on once more and designed, especially for you and your child, our second popular Elocution for Kids and Parents Half-Day Workshop.

Our workshop will teach you the main and most important skills in how to teach your child elocution.  We know that elocution and accent reduction training requires specialised teaching that’s why our half-day workshops are kept small to allow you and your child maximum attention and focus.

Our second Elocution for Kids and Parents Workshop will be on Saturday 29 June 2013 in London, and we feel certain that it will be the start of many more to come.

To find our more and to book your place, click on the link below:

Elocution for Kids and Parents Half-Day Workshop, London – Saturday 29 June 2013




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